Japanese ImageWriter II is Universal Model

The ImageWriter II sold in Japan is the universal model.
It supports:

100 VAC +/- 10%, and 50/60Hz
120 VAC +/- 10%, and 50/60Hz
140 VAC +/- 10%, and 50/60Hz
200 VAC +/- 10%, and 50/60Hz
220 VAC +/- 10%, and 50/60Hz
240 VAC +/- 10%, and 50/60Hz

If the line voltage drops below these levels, the printer will not function properly. A step-up transformer or a voltage stabilizer should be used under other conditions.
The ImageWriter II sold in the U.S. requires 120 volts (+/- 10%), and 60Hz.

This information is also found on page 85 of the ImageWriter II Owner's Manual, and in the Tech Info Library article titled "ImageWriter II: Spec Sheet."
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012