Some users have asked about UNIX training courses.
There is no one course that will teach UNIX, and learning UNIX takes years of concentrated work on a UNIX system. However, there are different types of courses that suit different areas or levels where assistance is needed.
Here are some recommendations from Apple engineers on a few of the UNIX courses with which they are familiar. This is a VERY LIMITED sample, and does not reflect Apple Computer's official position on ANY courses, listed or unlisted.
AT&T Computer Systems Training
Reservations and information: (800) 247-1212
Classes are currently held in New Jersey, Illinois, Georgia, Ohio, and Northern and Southern California. Shorter tutorials are also offered in Massachusetts, Virginia, New Jersey, Colorado, and Northern and Southern California.
These offer a wide curriculum for different levels of expertise.
NOTE: The more technical classes require proof of a source license.
Some Apple engineers have recommended the Internals, System Administration, and/or Shell programming classes for field engineers who are required to support A/UX and have some basic user knowledge of UNIX. Introductory-level classes are also available, as well as training tapes.
User Training Services Group
Jim Corcoran (415) 322-0460
This is an interactive audio digital cassete tape training that offers a low - medium level of expertise in UNIX basics. They also have a smaller curriculum aimed at beginning UNIX users. Monthly rentals of the tape courses are also available.
Computer Technology Group
Reservations and information: (800) 323-UNIX
Classes are currently held in Massachusetts, Chicago, Texas, Canada, England, Washington D.C, and Northern and Southern California.
These classes, and the tape-trainings, are a more accessible but less rigorous course than, for instance, the AT&T offering.
Gawain Group and Jim Joyce's UNIX BookStore
Registration and information: (415) 626-7581
This organization offers courses customized for your location and semi-regular classes held in Toronto and Northern California. The trainers are experienced in the industry and often are the authors of the code.
The Bookstore also offers a most extensive collection of UNIX and C programming books, with bulk discounts available. They also offer short evaluations that might assist you in selecting reading material to augment or substitute for your training.
Three UNIX resources Apple engineers have recommended are:
- "The Design of the UNIX Operating System" by Maurice Bach (A "Bible" offering a comprehensive overview and a detailed study of internals)
- "UNIX in a Nutshell" from O'Reilly and Associates (An easy to read reference to augment the bulky UNIX manuals)
- "UNIX Communications" by the Waite Group (An easy-to-follow guide the communications utilities built into UNIX)