You should not rely on "network events" to signify when an operation is
completed. Network events may be purged from the event queue if it
overflows, thus preventing the application from ever receiving them.
In general, you should avoid using anything other than disk-inserted or
device driver events: although disk-inserted and device driver events
don't have any higher priority than network events, they are much less
likely to get removed from the queue because of a queue overflow. (Network
events have this purging problem because multiple ATP requests may complete
simultaneously, generating lots of events.)
NOTE: Another major reason not to use network events is because Apple
can't guarantee to support them in the future.
It is not necessary to find alternatives to disk or driver events.
Most applications do not need to respond to disk-inserted events. By the
time a disk-inserted event reaches the application, the system has already
attempted to mount the volume. Most applications use Standard File, which
does the response to disk-inserted events for you.
NOTE: If your application DOES need to react to disk-inserted events, it
should receive this event in the regular fashion, as described in the
"Event Manager" chapter of "Inside Macintosh" (page I-241, Apple Part
Also, applications usually don't have to respond to device driver events,
either; in most cases, you will use higher level managers. For example,
most applications depend on the File Manager, rather than the Disk Driver.
Another example: the Sound Driver allows you to make a call to SoundDone
to find out if an asynchronous sound is finished.
In the case of device drivers, when an asynchronous call is made you can
poll the ioResult field of the parameter block to see if the call has
completed. (This field is set to 1 when the call is made.) Control is
returned to the application immediately, even though the call hasn't
necessarily completed. The ioResult field receives the actual result code
on completion of the call, so you can determine if the call has completed
by periodically checking to see if ioResult is still 1.
NOTE: See the Device Manager chapter of the above-mentioned "Inside
Macintosh" (page II-173) for more details.