PostScript LaserWriter and Font RAM Availability (3/94)

This article describes PostScript LaserWriter font RAM availability.

The available RAM for downloadable fonts on PostScript LaserWriters is
dynamic, and is affected by several factors. Two of these are paper size and
downloaded PostScript programs (for example, the ImageWriter Emulator used by
Apple II users). Note that downloadable fonts use RAM that may be needed by a
complex print job. Loading up the RAM with too many may result in limitcheck
or other memory errors when printing.

The following PostScript program will print a page with the available Virtual
Memory (VM):

/Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
72 720 moveto
(Available VM: ) show
vmstatus exch sub 10 string cvs show

If the number returned is greater than the number of bytes in the font
file, there should be enough room to download the font.

The available RAM for fonts also changes depending on paper size. The larger
the paper, the less RAM available for downloadable fonts.

If you have built-in typefaces, there is no limit to the number of different
fonts used on a single page. The available RAM in the LaserWriter will limit
the variety of downloadable typefaces.

On the LaserWriter IISC, Personal LaserWriter SC, Personal LaserWriter LS,
Personal LaserWriter 300 and LaserWriter Select 300, the only limit on the
number of different fonts on a single sheet will be the number of fonts
available via the font selection process of a particular application.

Article Change History
31 March 1994 - Updated formatting.
2 September 1993 - changed the method for finding Virtual Memory

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012