Moving Apple II DOS 3.3 Data to Macintosh

If you wish to run Apple II DOS 3.3 files on a Macintosh (512Ke or newer),
you must do the following:

1. If the Apple II Plus is the only Apple II available (NOTE: if an
Apple IIe is available, see below), then you need:

- a minimum of 64K in the Apple II Plus
- one 5.25" drive
- one 3.5" drive
- the program "Convert" from a ProDOS System Disk, V1.0, on a bootable
3.5" disk
- the collected data on a 5.25" disk


- one Macintosh (512Ke, Plus, SE, or II)
- two disk drives (two 800K floppies or one 800K floppy and a hard
- Apple File Exchange (on one of the floppies or on the the hard

Once these items are together, follow these steps:

a. Insert the ProDOS disk in the 3.5" drive and the data disk in the
5.25" drive.

b. Run "Convert".

c. Transfer the data ("Convert" defaults to 5.25" --> 3.5").

d. Eject the 3.5" disk, which now has the data converted to ProDOS

e. Launch Apple File Exchange on the Macintosh.

f. Insert the ProDOS 3.5" disk in the Macintosh drive. (AFE displays
its disk in one window and the ProDOS disk in another.)

g. Select the data file from the ProDOS disk, and click the transfer

2. If there is an Apple IIe available, you need:

- a minimum of 128K in the Apple IIe
- one 5.25" drive
- one 3.5" drive
- System Utilities 3.0 on a bootable 3.5" disk
- the collected data on a 5.25" disk


- one Macintosh (512Ke, Plus, SE, or II)
- two disk drives (two 800K floppies or one 800K floppy and a hard
- Apple File Exchange (on one of the floppies or on the the hard drive).

Once these items are together, follow these steps:

a. Insert the ProDOS disk in the 3.5" drive and the data disk in the
5.25" drive.

b. Run System Utilities (labeled SYSUTIL.SYSTEM).

c. Copy the data file from the 5.25" disk to the 3.5" disk using "Copy

d. Eject the 3.5" disk, which now has the data converted to ProDOS

e. Launch Apple File Exchange on the Macintosh.

f. Insert the ProDOS 3.5" disk in the Macintosh drive. (AFE displays
its disk in one window and the ProDOS disk in another.)

g. Select the data file from the ProDOS disk, and click the transfer

Using either method, the data from the test instrument is now a Macintosh
text file. Once in the Macintosh text file format, it can be loaded into
a variety of Macintosh applications.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012