How To Prevent Switch-Launching Between Floppy Disks

Some users have asked if there is a way to prevent switch-launching between
floppies on a floppy-based system.

The "Technical Introduction to the Macintosh Family" states: "You can
prevent this switch-launching by holding down the Option key when you start
the application."

Actually, switch-launching is either prevented OR allowed by this procedure,
depending on the kind of disks in the system.

Hard Disk Systems
Switch-launching is generally PREVENTED in a hard disk system. To force a

1. Hold down the Option and Command keys while opening an application.

2. Set the Finder Flags for the application to "Always switch-launch" (Get
Info on the file using ResEdit).

Floppy Disk Systems
In floppy-based systems, the system generally switches to the System files
on the diskette that contains the application being opened.

Holding down the Option key while opening an application on a floppy-based
system will NOT prevent switch-launching (as is incorrectly stated in the
"Technical Introduction to the Macintosh Family".) Therefore, to prevent
switch-launching to a diskette on a floppy-based system:

1. Remove the System Folder.

2. Place either the System file or Finder -- but not both -- into another
folder, or at root.

3. Use MultiFinder, which prevents switch-launching (if there is sufficient
RAM to support both MultiFinder and the applications).

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012