Apple III: Cables for Various Printers (4 of 4)

Apple III Drivers Aid Cable "K"

Device Manufacturer and Model:
IDS 125
IDS 225
IDS 440
IDS 445
IDS 460
IDS 560

Pin-to-Pin Connections
Apple III (Male)                IDS (usually Female)

2 o---------------------------o 3
6 o---------------------------o 20
7 o---------------------------o 7

Note:  For proper operation when using the Apple III Super Serial Card (Apple
P/N A2B0044) in an Apple III make sure that switch SW 2-6 (on the card) is in
the "ON' position and that the jumper block (also on the card) is in the
"TERMINAL" Position.

Apple III Drivers Aid Cable "L"

Device Manufacturer and Model:
Axiom    EX-801
Axiom    EX-820
Comprint 912
DEC      LA34
Teletype 43

Pin-to-Pin Connections:

Apple III (Male)                Printer (usually Female)

1 o----------------------------o 1
2 o----------------------------o 3
6 o----------------------------o 20
7 o----------------------------o 7

Note:  For proper operation when using the Apple III Super Serial Card (Apple
P/N A2B0044) in an Apple III make sure that switch SW 2-6 (on the card) is in

the "ON' position and that the jumper block (also on the card) is in the
"TERMINAL" Position.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012