Missing Color SW 6000 Series printer icon in the Chooser:
If at some point, the Extensions Manager was opened and then closed, the Color SW 6000 Series file was moved from the active Extensions folder to the disabled Extensions folder. To resolve this problem, perform the following:
1. Open the Extensions Manager Control Panel and place a checkmark next to Color SW 6000 Series.
2. Restart your computer. You will now see the Color SW 6000 Series in your Chooser and be able to select it.
Missing Color SW 6000 Series desktop printer icon:
1. Open the Extensions Manager Control Panel and place a checkmark next to Desktop Printer Extension, Desktop Printer Spooler, and Desktop Printer Menu (if Desktop Printer Menu is installed). Also check and make sure there is a checkmark next to Desktop PrintMonitor.
2. Restart your computer. After selecting the Color SW 6000 Series in your Chooser you will now see a Color SW 6000 Series desktop printer icon on your desktop and be able to use the Desktop Printing feature.
Missing Color SW 6000 Series printer icon in the Chooser:
The Power Macintosh 4400 SOHO bundle and 6500 SOHO and Consumer bundles are shipped with a default Extensions Manager set called "Original Set". If you install the Color SW 6000 Series software while this setting is in effect, the Color SW 6000 Series will show up unchecked in the Extensions Manager, but will still be selectable in the Chooser and usable. When the Extensions Manager is opened and then closed, any unchecked files will automatically be moved to the disabled folder. In the case of the Color SW 6000 Series driver this means that the icon is no longer selectable in the Chooser.
Missing Color SW 6000 Series desktop printer icon:
Many Performa models ship with Desktop Printing disabled. This means that the files needed for the Desktop Printing feature are not loaded when you start up your computer. In the Extensions Manager these files will appear unchecked.
Note: Later shipments of these CPU bundles will no longer have the Extensions Manager problem where the default set is called Original Set.
This article was published in the 25 June 1997 "Information Alley".