Virex 7.5.1 may not install if Norton AntiVirus is installed

When you install Virex 7.5.1, you may receive a message saying, "Virex 7.5 cannot be installed on this computer. There is anti-virus software running that is not compatible with Virex. Please remove any other anti-virus programs previously installed."

If you see this alert, follow these steps to remove Norton AntiVirus completely:

  1. Download the most recent version of the Symantec Uninstaller from Symantec's website.
  2. Open and run the Symantec Uninstaller to remove Norton AntiVirus and its associated files. When the Uninstaller is finished, restart your computer. After the restart, you should be able to install Virex 7.5.1.
Important: Information about products not manufactured by Apple is provided for information purposes only, and does not constitute Apple's recommendation or endorsement. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012