CSW 4100, 4500, 6500: Minimum Install Issue

I am running into various problems printing to my Color StyleWriter 4100, 4500, and 6500 printers. I used the minimum install disk that came with my printer, and I am having the following problems:

CSW 4100/4500
- When selecting page setup I get a system beep.
- I get out of memory errors when printing from the Finder.

CSW 6500
- An error message stating that I need a newer version of the Chooser is displayed when I click on the driver.

Apple HIGHLY recommends running the full install for the Color StyleWriter 4100, 4500, and 6500 printers. The full install of printer software can be found on the CD that came with your printer, or via a set of floppies that Apple will send out to you if you do not have a CD ROM drive. The minimal install disk that came with the printer is only meant as an interim solution for customers who do not have a CD ROM drive.

Problem Pesolutions:

CSW 4100/4500
- When selecting page setup I get a system beep.
RESOLUTION: Run the full installation of printer software.

- I get out of memory errors when printing from the Finder.
RESOLUTION: Run the full installation of printer software.

CSW 6500
- An error message stating that I need a newer version of the Chooser is displayed when I click on the driver.
RESOLUTION: Run the full installation of printer software, and/or ensure you have Chooser version 7.3 or greater.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012