PowerBook 3400: Battery Gasket Installation

A small number of PowerBook 3400 computers running on battery power have unexpectedly shut down when jostled or when pressure was applied to the battery area. The problem is intermittent battery contact.
If a PowerBook 3400 exhibits the above problem, Apple recommends adding a foam gasket to the inside of the battery bay to improve battery contact. The gasket is available free of charge in a user-installable kit. To order the kit, customers may call 1-888-273-3594. Alternatively, service providers can install the gasket for the customer and can order the kit as service part number 076-0706. The installation is a warranty repair.

The gasket kit comes with several foam gaskets and a wood applicator. Following the steps below, use the applicator to apply a gasket on the inside of the battery bay.

1. Remove the battery from the PowerBook 3400.

2. Remove the paper backing from the wood applicator and place the gasket, adhesive side up, on the applicator's tacky surface.

3. Remove the paper backing from the adhesive side of the gasket.

4. Turn the applicator over so the gasket is on the bottom. Now using the applicator, place the gasket on the notched side of the battery bay. Make sure the angled edge of the gasket aligns with the angled side of the notch and the gasket flap extends into the notched opening.

Note: Apply the gasket to the dull gray surface of the battery bay not the shiny metal surface above it.

5. Press the gasket onto the battery bay.

6. Remove the applicator from the bay and turn the applicator over so the non-sticky side faces the gasket.

7. Reinsert the applicator into the battery bay, and burnish the gasket to the bay.

8. Remove the applicator and replace the battery.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012