Desktop Printer Menu: CoStar LabelWriter Extension

I recently installed a new CoStar printing extension that allows background printing for the CoStar LabelWriter family of printers. After installing the extension, the Desktop Printer Menu is now missing from the menubar when the Finder is in the foreground. In applications other than the Finder, the Desktop Printer Menu and the Application Menu are reversed. The DTP menu icon is at the far right, and the application icon to its left.
There is an extension conflict between the CoStar printing extension and Desktop Printing.


Change the load order of extensions making the Desktop Printer Menu load AFTER the CoStar printing extension. Since the CoStar printing extension comes with a "¥" before it, you can also put the "¥" before the Desktop Printer Menu extension so that it will load after the CoStar extension (since it is alphabetically after "CoStar").
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012