SOHO 4400/6500: MacPublisher 9pt Font Selection Issue

I am using MacPublisher, an application that shipped with the 4400 small office/home office bundle. When I select the 9 point font size from the pull-down menu, the resultant size is 6 point. This happens when selecting text and changing the size or just selecting the size for text that will be input.

I have tried to reduce the extensions down to just QuickTime (which is required) but cannot get around the problem.

The manufacturer, WizardWorks Group, has acknowledged the bug in the application.

Customer should contact them at 612-559-5140.

Although there is no current fix, as a workaround, customers may use the size selection from the pop-up menu on the ribbon bar to select 9 point size.

Note: MacPublisher ships on the Small Business Macintosh 6500 and on the Small Business Macintosh 4400. Both models will be affected.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012