Newton OS: Grayscale Printing Support

I have noticed that when I print to my HP 5MP printer via IrDA, grayscale graphics are printed nearly all black. I thought the MessagePad supported grayscale. Is this correct?
Grayscale printing was introduced as a feature of the MessagePad 2000 and eMate 300 series computers under Newton Operating System (NOS) 2.1.

Previous versions of NOS did not support grayscale printing. However, some applications approximated grayscale output by using a dithered bitmap approach.

The NOS uses bitmap information to display picture and graphics on the screen. Bitmaps are converted into two types of print data: raster and PostScript.

All IrDA and serial printing is done in raster mode; PostScript is used for all network LaserWriters.

For example, when printing to a Hewlett Packard 5MP printer over IrDA, bitmap data is rasterized. However, when connected via LocalTalk, bitmap data is translated to Postscript.

Under NOS 2.1, bitmaps can contain grayscale information. However, there are two levels of grayscale printing.

Grayscale pattern fills, like those created by applications such as Newton Works Drawpaper, are supported on both raster and Postscript printers.

Grayscale bitmaps, however, will print in grayscale only to Postscript printers. Printing a grayscale bitmap to a raster printer will result in all non-white pixels being interpreted as black.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012