Mac OS 8: Conflict Catcher Compatibility

I have a customer who was running Conflict Catcher under System 7 my customer is upgrading to Mac OS 8 and has a couple of questions.

1. Is Mac OS 8 and Conflict Catcher compatible?

2. Does Conflict Catcher take advantage of any features of Mac OS 8?
1) Mac OS 8 Compatibility:
According to the publisher, Conflict Catcher v4.0.3 is the first version to be fully compatible with Mac OS 8. It will not allow the Appearance Extension to be disabled and contains Mac OS 8 Sets and Links.

Users of previous versions of Conflict Catcher 4 should download the latest Conflict Catcher 4 updater from Casady & Greene's Web site: ""

2) Conflict Catcher Mac OS 8 Features:
Includes built-in Mac OS only sets. "Mac OS Base" includes all files which are installed with the Basic Installation. "Mac OS All" includes all files which can be installed as part of the system installation.

Disable Startup Features Option:

This allows the user to disable all of Conflict Catcher¹s features which change the system environment at startup time. To disable these features:
At this point, Conflict Catcher is effectively removed from the system environment, and all of Conflict Catcher's features which involve changing the system environment are disabled.

The disabled features include: With "Startup Features Disabled," users are still able to manage extensions and run conflict tests. They can enable and disable extensions, run sets (including Mac OS only sets), use links, generate system reports, and run Conflict Tests.

Additional Information:
The contents of this article refer to Conflict Catcher, a third party application published by Casady & Greene Inc. (408-484-9228).

Apple Computer Inc.'s User Assistance Center does not provide technical support for Conflict Catcher. It is supported by Casady & Greene, Inc.

This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.

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Published Date: Feb 18, 2012