A/UX: The "rwhod" Daemon Increases Network Traffic (9/94)

The "rwhod" daemon ("in.rwhod" in A/UX) maintains the database used by
the "rwho" and "ruptime" programs.

Doing this causes a lot of network traffic. Approximately every 60 seconds the daemon broadcasts and queries the state of each system (host) on the network. This action is network intensive (meaning the network response time becomes slower) on an already user-loaded network.

Suggestion: If you have a heavily loaded network and system performance
is a concern, turn off the "in.rwhod" daemon. Note: The output of "rwho"
and "ruptime" commands is meaningless if "in.rwhod" is not running.

Article Change History:
19 Sep 1994 - Reviewed.

Support Information Services
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012