The program, Press11.exe, is an application called a "patcher" used to upgrade Newton Press 1.0 to version 1.1. Patchers use file resource comparisons to modify only the parts of a program that have changed. Patchers require that all parts of a program be present and in the form they expect, to be updated. To upgrade Newton Press you must have Newton Press 1.0 installed completely. If you feel Newton Press 1.0 may not be installed properly or suspect some files may be missing, you should reinstall the application from the original program installation disks.
If you are encountering the "Old File does not exist" error during the upgrade, on launching the application Press11.exe select "Change Options." In the list of options, check "Ignore Missing" and click "ok." This will allow you to proceed with the upgrade, even though some files may not be found or are not recognized by the patcher. Note that if your path name has changed from "C:\\PRESS" you may need to enter the drive letter where the directory is located.
Other issues involving resource de-archiving or system errors encountered when launching the Press11.exe application may be resolved following standard Windows OS troubleshooting. Please consult your Microsoft Windows OS user's manual or Microsoft troubleshooting resources where applicable.
For additional information see TIL article:
Newton Press 1.1: Read Me #24243
For additional information see TIL artilce:
Newton Press 1.1: Update Information #30268