Newton: Ethernet is not necessarily EtherTalk

I would like to use Newton Connection Utilities to connect via Ethernet to my Windows PC. Is this possible?
Discussion: Native network connectivity as delivered on the Mac OS is called AppleTalk. AppleTalk over Ethernet is called EtherTalk. Although the Windows OS does not natively support AppleTalk, products such as CopsTalk from Cops. Inc., provide AppleTalk stack compatibility for Windows 95 and NT.

Unlike Newton Internet Enabler 2.0 which supports IP protocols, connectivity products such as Newton Connection Utilities or Newton Press only support direct serial or AppleTalk protocols, and do not offer IP services unless otherwise noted.

For additional information read the following TIL articles:

Newton Internet Enabler 2.0: Ethernet & Memory Requirements #30232
Newton Internet Enabler 2.0: Read Me #24192
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012