Macintosh System Software 6.0 Changes (part 1 of 4)

This article is an overview of the most notable changes made to the
Macintosh System Software since the 5.0 release. For more detailed
information, see parts 2 through 4.

Color QuickDraw now incorporates Andy Hertzfeld's QuickerGraf. Previous
public domain versions of QuickerGraf were made available in the form of
INIT and CDEV files, but in System Software 6.0, it's in the System file.
Users should throw away QuickerGraf INIT or CDEV files when upgrading to
System Software 6.0.

Pop-Up Menus
Pop-Up menus work on multiple Macintosh II monitors when running under

Version Information
The Get Info window now has a field for reporting the file's version.
For files, such as documents, that have no version information, the value
"Not Available" appears.

Disk Copies
When copying an entire floppy disk to another, the Finder now uses an
image copy to create an exact duplicate of the original disk.

Double-clicking on a document, when the application is already open, now
activates the application and then opens the document.

Printer Tools
Five printer drivers are included with System Software 6.0:
- ImageWriter
- AppleTalk ImageWriter
- LaserWriter IISC
- LaserWriter IINT
- LaserWriter IINTX

The LaserWriter Drivers now support 11" x 17" paper. A new radio button
in the Page Setup dialog box makes this new size available.

There is a new check box in the Page Setup dialog, and another has been
modified. The Text Smoothing option smooths bit-map fonts that are
downloaded, and the Graphics Smoothing option smooths bit maps other than
text. Because of this new feature, this version is incompatible with all
previous versions of LaserWriter Prep.

HD SC Setup
HD SC Setup now lets users divide a Hard Disk into multiple partitions.
This is particularly useful to A/UX users.

Installer Scripts
Mini-Scripts for the Installer are included. They create a system that is
configured only for the type of Macintosh that it was created for. Patches
for the other Macintosh types are not installed with Mini-Scripts. Starting
up a system configured for one Macintosh type on a different Macintosh type
will cause an alert box indicating that the system was intended for a
different Macintosh configuration.

The new CloseView utility lets users magnify the screen image. This is
particularly useful to visually impaired users. Because CloseView is a
CDEV, it's accessed via the Control Panel.

The new Map CDEV records and displays the longitude, latitude, and time of
locations anywhere in the world.

Macro Maker
The new Macro Maker utility lets users to create macros that automate
repetitive tasks. Macro Maker is an INIT that's made available through an
icon that appears in the menu bar.

This article continued in "Macintosh System Software 6.0 Changes (part
2 of 4)".

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012