Avid Cinema: Mac OS 8.1 Compatibility

Are there any compatibility problems between Avid Cinema and Mac OS 8.1?
At this time Avid Cinema has not been fully tested with Mac OS 8.1. For this reason, Apple Computer and Avid Technology are not yet supporting the use of Avid Cinema with Mac OS 8.1.

Preliminary testing shows that there are two minor compatibility problems between Avid Cinema and Mac OS 8.1:

1) Avid Cinema will not record any sound and the Audio Source option from the Movie menu is grayed out. Mac OS 8.1 installs a new Control Strip module that allows you to select the audio input source. To work around this problem, use this Control Strip module to select the appropriate source while Avid Cinema is the active application. For example if you are bringing in audio with your video, you would click the audio input source (microphone icon) in the Control Strip and select "CD-TV-Video" to bring in your audio.

2) When selecting the Bring Video In tab for the first time, you might receive the error "There is no device connected to that input source, the previous source will be restored." This only occurs when selecting the Bring Video In tab for the first time after Avid Cinema is launched. If you click the "OK" button, Avid Cinema will select the correct video source.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012