1. Question: Why doesn't my Zip disk icon appear on the desktop?
Answer: Many different issues can cause this condition. One of these suggestions should resolve the situation:
- Shut down the entire system. Restart the system, making sure the computer is the last device turned on.
- Make sure the Iomega driver is not covered with a red "X" at system startup time. Restart the computer, watch for the Iomega driver icon, and verify that is not covered with a red "X". If a red "X" covers the icon, use the Extensions Manager to turn off all extensions except the Iomega driver, then restart the computer. If this issue persists, you should replace the Iomega driver extension by either dragging it from the Restore CD-ROM disc that came with your computer, or by reinstalling the Mac OS.
- There may be a SCSI ID conflict preventing the Zip drive from working properly. Verify that you have removed all external SCSI devices to eliminate this possible issue. If the Zip disk appears on the desktop after you have disconnected all other SCSI devices, you should change the ZIP drive's SCSI ID setting so it is not the same as any of the other SCSI devices.
- The Zip disk may not be fully inserted into the drive and therefore may not be seated correctly. You should insert the disk firmly into the drive until you hear a "click" sound. This indicates that the disk is fully inserted.
- The Zip drive may need to be reset to properly read inserted cartridges. There are two reset options you can try:
- Use the manual eject hole to reset the mechanism. Insert a small straightened paper clip into the hole that is located slightly above and to the right of the center of the Zip disk slot. This can be a little tricky since the manual eject lever is quite small. To verify that the lever is being actuated correctly, insert a Zip disk into the drive; the disk should eject when you press the lever with the paper clip.
- Use the eject button on the front of the Zip drive. You must remove the plastic bezel around the drive to access this button. Once you have removed the cover, press and hold the black button while restarting the computer. Once the computer begins to start up, let go of the button. After the computer has restarted, test by inserting a disk to see if this procedure resolved the issue.
2. Question: I hear a clicking sound when a Zip disk is inserted and the disk icon does not appear on the desktop.
Answer: This is normal behavior when inserting a Zip disk containing an earlier version of the Iomega driver software. This condition can be resolved by one of the following suggestions:
Keep the disk in the drive and let it continue to click. Within two to five minutes a dialog appears asking if you would like to initialize the disk. If you click Yes, a new driver is installed and the issue should no longer occur. Once the driver is installed the disk works with both current and previous versions of the Iomega drivers.
Warning: If you choose to initialize the Zip disk all data stored on it is lost. If the data is important and not backed up, you should take the Zip disk to a computer running an older version of the Iomega software and back up the data to the hard disk before proceeding. After the disk is backed up you can initialize it without worry of losing data.
Another option is to download the latest Iomega Tools software, which lets you update the driver software on a Zip disk without having to initialize it.
This software can be downloaded from Iomega's Web site on the World Wide Web.
After following the software installation instructions from the Iomega Web site, follow the steps below to set up this software to address the clicking issue with your Zip drive:
1. Open the Iomega Drive Options control panel.
2. Choose Advanced Options from the Special menu.
3. Make sure the default setting is set to "Always update the driver on the disk".
4. Click Save.
5. Click Save again.
6. Close the control panel.
7. Restart the computer.
8. After the computer restarts, insert the Zip disk.
3. Question: My Zip disk is not ejected far enough to remove it from the drive.
Answer: This seems to occur mainly with Power Macintosh G3 Desktop computers. The cartridge is not ejected far enough from the front of the Zip drive's plastic bezel, and users tend to push the cartridge back into the drive slightly making it almost impossible to remove. This is most likely to occur if you try to remove the cartridge by grasping the top and bottom edges at the same time.
Testing has shown that if you attempt to remove the disk by placing your finger on its bottom edge and pushing up slightly while pulling out, the disk can be removed almost every time.
If the troubleshooting steps above do not resolve the issue, check Iomega's Web site, which contains additional troubleshooting steps and procedures. It is also possible the drive may need to be repaired.
This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information.
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