Newton Connection Utilities: Newton Works Import Message

When I try to import information from my computer into Newton Works, I get a message that says "Please make sure Newton Works is installed on your Newton device, and you have run it at least once." I have run Newton Works before.
In order to import information from your desktop computer into Newton Works, a Newton Works data structure, technically referred to as a "soup," must exist in the desired storage area.

Newton Works does not create a soup on a PC card if there is already one on the internal store, unless a Newton Works document has been filed or created on the card.

If you intend to save Newton Works files to a PC card, you must create or file at least one Newton Works document to the card, prior to importing.

Similarly, if you intend to save Newton Works files to the internal store, you must create or file at least one Newton Works document to the internal store, prior to importing.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012