At Ease 5.0.1 Web Extras update includes two updated files: Web_At_Ease_PlugIn and At Ease Web Helper. At Ease 5.0.1 allows you the option of running the web server on the same computer as your At Ease server. Web_At_Ease_PlugIn now provides support for AppleShare IP 5.0.2revB server and WebSTAR 2.1 server. At Ease Web Helper is updated to support the AppleShare IP and WebSTAR server. Please see the Read Me included with this software for complete information.
Using AppleShare IP Web Service with At Ease- With this version, you can now use the AppleShare IP 5.0 web service with At Ease's web plug-in.
- Fixed problems with newer WebSTAR versions
- WebSTAR version 2.1 is now compatible with At Ease 5.0.1.
Running the At Ease Server and Web Server on the Same Computer
At Ease 5.0.1 now allows you the option of running the web server on the same computer as your At Ease server.
You do this by installing the web server (or use the existing AppleShare IP web service, if you have it) on your At Ease server computer. You should also install the At Ease Web Agent extension on your server. Note that you must use version 5.0.1 of the At Ease Server 5.0 extension, otherwise the At Ease web plug-in will not be able to locate the At Ease server. You will need to restart your server after installing this extension.
Next, run the At Ease Administration program and use the Configure Web Server menu command to locate your web server. You can also set other options at this time.
Finally, restart your server computer once more and start up the web service.
Fixed " Information on Main Welcome HTML Page
On some newer browsers, when you view the initial welcome page, you may see the characters """ near the top of the screen. This problem has been fixed in the updated Welcome1.html file.
Updating Your Web Server
If you allow users to access the At Ease server from the Internet using a Web browser, you need to replace three files on your Web server to work with At Ease version 5.0.1:
· At Ease Web Helper
· Web_At_Ease_PlugIn
· Welcome1.html
To update these files on your Web server, follow these steps:
1. On your Web server, locate the new files and drag them to the Web server plug-ins folder. In many cases the location of these files will be inside a folder called AtEaseWebPlugIn.
2. A dialog box appears asking if you want to replace the older files. Click OK.
In addition, users who access the server from the Internet using Mac OS computers, must use the new version of At Ease Web Helper. Make copies of At Ease Web Helper so that they can copy them to their computers. They also need to drag the old version of At Ease Web Helper to the Trash. (A copy of the At Ease Web Helper is also placed in the AtEaseWebPlugIn folder on the web server to allow users to download the file remotely.)