Locate your iPod serial number in iTunes 6

If you have iTunes 6 installed on your computer, you can use it to display the serial number of a connected iPod. To do this:

  1. Connect your iPod to your computer and wait for it to show in iTunes.
  2. Open iTunes preferences.
    Mac users: From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
    Windows users: On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  3. In the resulting dialog, click the iPod tab; iPod preferences displays your iPod Software version number in the upper-right corner of the pane.

  4. Click on the version number to reveal your iPod serial number. Note: You can then choose Copy from the Edit menu to copy the visible serial number to the clipboard which can then be pasted into any any text editor, e-mail, or web page form such as Apple - Support - iPod Service (requires iTunes 6.0.2 or later).

If your iPod isn't currently connected to your computer but was connected previously, follow these steps to display the serial number of the last used iPod:

  1. Open iTunes preferences.
    Mac users: From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
    Windows users: On the Edit menu, click Preferences.
  2. Click the iPod tab; the pane displays a "No iPod connected" message.

  3. Click on the message to reveal the serial number of the last iPod connected to the computer. Note: You can then choose Copy from the Edit menu to copy the visible serial number to the clipboard which can then be pasted into any text editor (requires iTunes 6.0.2 or later).

If you have a later version of iTunes or for other ways to find your iPod serial number, see this document.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012