Using iPod with multiple computers with iTunes 6

You can manage your iPod with different computers as long as the computers are running the same operating system (Mac OS X or Windows) and you have set the iPod to "manually manage songs and playlists." If you have iTunes 7 or later, click here.

Using an iPod formatted for Macintosh on a Windows computer is not supported. Using an iPod formatted for Windows on a Macintosh computer is not supported. To determine your iPod's hard disk format see "iPod: How to determine iPod's hard disk format." To change the iPod format you will need to restore iPod using the Macintosh version or the Windows version of the iPod Updater. For more information on the how to restore iPod with the iPod Updater application see "Restoring iPod to factory settings."


By default iPod is set to "Automatically update all songs and playlists" sometimes called automatic mode. In order to transfer music from multiple computers iPod must be set to "Manually manage songs and playlists" sometimes referred to as manual mode.

Automatic Mode

When iPod is set to either "Automatically update all songs and playlists" or "Automatically update selected playlists only," iTunes automatically updates iPod's music library whenever you connect iPod to your computer. iTunes transfers new songs you've added, and erases songs you've removed. However, the first computer you connect iPod to is its "home" computer, and the music library from that computer is copied to iPod. When you connect iPod to another computer, an alert box appears with this message:

"The iPod "iPod" is linked to another iTunes music library. Do you want to change the link to this iTunes music library and replace all existing songs and playlists on this iPod with those from this library?"

If you want to delete the music library on iPod and make the second computer iPod's "home" computer. Click Yes. iTunes will delete all songs and playlists on the iPod, and then will copy the music library and playlists from the new home computer to iPod.

Manual Mode

If you want to keep the music library on iPod, but copy songs or playlists from the music library on the second computer, click No to this dialog box, and then set iPod to manual mode.

You change the iPod synchronization mode to manual mode in iTunes in the iPod Preferences:

  1. Open iTunes, if necessary.
  2. Select iPod in the Source listing.

  3. Click the iPod Options button (located in the bottom right hand corner of the iTunes window). You can also access iPod Preferences under the Edit menu in Windows or the iTunes menu in Mac OS X.

    iPod Options button

  4. Click "Manually manage songs and playlists" to enable that option.

  5. Click OK.

It is normal for iPod to take a few seconds to change from automatic mode to manual mode.

When in manual mode, to add songs or playlists drag them from iTunes to the iPod icon in the Source listing. To remove songs or playlists select them on the iPod in iTunes and hit the delete key. You can also create playlist directly on the iPod.

Important: Synchronization occurs only in one direction, from your computer to your iPod. This means you cannot transfer music, automatically or manually, from your iPod to a computer. However, if you are legally allowed to transfer song files, you can use your iPod as a hard disk.

Related documents
93856: Both of your computers think they "own" your iPod

A note about copyright

iTunes software and iPod may be used to reproduce materials. It is licensed to you only for reproduction of non-copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials you are authorized or legally permitted to reproduce. If you are uncertain about your right to copy any material, you should contact your legal advisor. See the iTunes Store Terms of Service for additional information.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012