AppleShare PC: Mapping Lotus Files for Excel

If you are using AppleShare to store Lotus files for access from Excel,
you may have had a problem like this:

When a Lotus worksheet is copied to AppleShare, it gets TYPE-set to "J123"
and CREATOR-set to "MJAZ" (Modern Jazz settings). This file, however, is
not recognized by Excel. If you use Apple File Exchange to copy the SAME
file from a 5.25" drive, it gets TYPE-set to "BINA" and CREATOR-set to
"mdos", which Excel accepts, and the file opens.

You have encountered the default Extension Mapping of AppleShare PC. Control
of Extension Mapping is under the "Special" menu of DA (our AppleShare PC
program) using the "Change Extension Mappings" item.

AppleShare PC automatically sets a Macintosh file icon-type for files
created on file server volumes. These type assignments are based on the
three-character DOS filename extension.

"Change Extension Mapping" lets you select an icon-type for a file extension.
This icon-type is assigned to all appropriate new files created on server
volumes; existing files are not affected.

In the example problem given above, the WKS and WK1 extensions from
Lotus 1,2,3 default to an extension map called "JAZZ-Lotus" instead of
mapping to "Excel".

To change this mapping for all new files created, select the "Change
Extension Mapping" item from the DA "Special" menu. A dialog (or pane)
displays something similar to "Extension: XXX = Binary", followed by a
scroll box "Select Type:". Use the cursor keys to scroll to and highlight
item number 4, which is the map called "Excel". Press F2 to reset the map
from "JAZZ-Lotus" to "Excel".

Until this process is reversed, all new files are saved with the Excel map.
All existing files need to be reopened and saved under a new name for this
mapping to affect them. Once saved with the Excel mapping, double clicking
the documents launches Excel. The documents have a "plain" document icon.

Any DOS document can be forced to have the

TYPE-set = BINA and CREATOR-set = mdos

by adding an unmapped extension to the end of the of the document name.
For example, when saving the document "Anything.ABC", AppleShare PC provides
the BINA/mdos labels. To view the mapping of any given PC, type:

anet map

This lists currently assigned extensions and their mapping.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012