Mac OS 8.x: No LaserWriter SC Support

I understand that QuickDraw GX printing support has been eliminated under Mac OS 8.x. What happens to LaserWriter IISC and Personal LaserWriter SC support under Mac OS 8.x?
QuickDraw GX printer drivers are not supported in Mac OS 8 and later. Therefore, customers who use the LaserWriter II SC GX driver will wish to continue to use Mac OS 7.6.1 or earlier. LaserWriter SC printer customers wishing to use the classic "Non-GX" QuickDraw driver will want to use System 7.5.1 or earlier. Using the classic driver with system software later than System 7.5.1 may produce unacceptable results: characters and words may not have the proper spacing and lines may get clipped.

Because of the printing issues with the non-GX driver and the elimination of QuickDraw GX in Mac OS 8.0, customers with computers that require Mac OS 8.0 or later should look into other printing solutions.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012