MacTerminal 2.3 does not use the function keys on the extended keyboard.
However, it still contains the PF key menu for VT100 and IBM 3278 as in
previous versions. You can use MacroMaker to select the keys, and then
assign a recording of the PF key menu selection to each function key. You
can also type and record keyboard sequence with MacroMaker.
The key sequences for the VT100 PF keys are: (ESC OP)=PF1, (ESC OQ)=PF2,
The IBM 3278 PF keys are:
Key Sequence Menu option
[ESC 1, ESC 2,... ESC 9, ESC 0, ESC -, ESC =] = PF1, PF2, ... PF12
[ESC !, ESC @,... ESC (, ESC ), ESC _, ESC +] = PF13, PF14, ... PF 24
[ESC [, ESC ], = PA 1 and PA 2
ASCII Key Sequence Menu option
<SOH> = CONTROL A = Attn
<DLE> = CONTROL P = Home
<FS> = CONTROL \\ = Print
<DEL> = CONTROL (Backspace or Delete) = Delete
<FF> = CONTROL L = Erase Input
<GS> = CONTROL ] = Insert
<DC2> = CONTROL R = Reset
<STX> = CONTROL B = Sys Req
<ENQ> = CONTROL E = Clear