PostScript: Displaying PostScript on the Mac OS Screen

I have a PostScript file that I want to view on my Mac OS screen. Can I do this?
The Mac OS itself does not have Display PostScript capabilities. However Adobe Inc. sells a product that allows you to view PostScript on your screen. Adobe's Acrobat product contains an application called Adobe Distiller, which turns the PostScript file into a Adobe Acrobat document. Once the file is distilled, it is placed into Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). With either Adobe's Exchange product, included in the Adobe Acrobat software, or the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can view the Acrobat file.

For more information on Adobe Acrobat, you should visit Adobe's Internet Web Site.

The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012