Japanese Language Kit 1.2: CD‘s Extras Folder Empty

I have just received my Japanese Language Kit version 1.2. The card in the CD slip refers me to the CD extras folder for a listing of compatible programs; an update for WordPerfect 3.1 and the System update 1.0 (for English versions of System 7.5). The CD extras folder on my CD is empty. Do I need a replacement CD? Where can I get the missing files?
The contents of the CD you have are correct. When Japanese Language Kit 1.2 CD was repressed some of the sample applications and update files (some of which had been superseded by newer updates) were removed from the CD. The card in the CD slip was not reprinted and therefore makes reference to files that are no longer on the CD.

There were no changes to the actual Language Kit software. Apple apologizes for any inconvenience you may have experienced. To obtain the latest Apple Software updates check the Apple Web Site at:

For updates to other applications check with the application's vendor.

The Tech Info Library Article 17159: "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012