One of the extensions that is scriptable via AppleScript under Mac OS 8.5 is the Application Switcher extension. One of the window properties that can be set via AppleScript is the button ordering in the Application Switcher window. Button ordering can be set to:
- alphabetical
-launch order
- reverse alphabetical
- reverse launch order
When button ordering is set to reverse launch order and the user quits an application, occasionally, the highlighted application in the Application Switcher palette does not match the frontmost application. Apple is aware of and is investigating this issue with the Application Switcher extension. Until this can be corrected, users may select one of the other 3 choices for button ordering as this issue does not occur when sorted alphabetical, launch order or reverse alphabetical.
An example AppleScript to set the button ordering to alphabetical is as follows:
tell application "Application Switcher"
set the button ordering of the palette to alphabetical
end tell
AppleScripts can be created using the Script Editor which is installed in the Apple Extras folder with Mac OS 8.5.