ClarisWorks for Windows 5.0v1: Changes Windows File Mapping

Running ClarisWorks 5.0v1 under a Windows NT user account, without administrator privileges, causes file types associated with certain programs to be associated with ClarisWorks instead. When you double-click the icon for one of these files, ClarisWorks will be launched.
Any current associations which do not match the appropriate applications must be manually reset to the desired associations.

To change which application opens which file type:

- Open "My Computer"
- Go to the View menu
- Click Options
- Go to the "File Type" tab
- Choose the File Type you want to reassociate to another application
- Choose Edit

From here you can choose what action to take with each file type

Note that ClarisWorks 5.0v2 and AppleWorks 5.0v3 and later do not change any file associations.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012