Macintosh Floppy Drives: Creating Apple IIGS Start Up Floppy Disks Issue

I am trying to make a set of system disks for an Apple IIGS computer. I have downloaded the seven disk images from the Apple Software Updates several times. I had no problem decompressing the images and using Disk Copy. The floppy disks mount on a Macintosh computer.

The Apple IIGS will not start up with any of the seven disks. I tried different versions of Disk Copy and a new set of floppy disks. I tried removing all hardware upgrades from my Apple IIGS. Nothing seems to work.
Apple has confirmed this issue may occur if a manual insert floppy drive is used to create the disks. Many recently-produced Macintosh computers ship with manual insert floppy drives.

Apple recommends using an older Macintosh computer with an auto insert drive to create the disks.


If a Macintosh computer with an auto insert floppy drive is not available, contact a local Apple-authorized service provider. Local libraries or Macintosh user groups may also have access to older Macintosh computers.

How to distinguish manual insert floppy drives from auto insert floppy drives:

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012