By default, HFS Plus partitions do not have a recycler, so items located on an HFS Plus volume can not remain in the Trash. The steps below will create a recycler on any volume where one does not currently exist.
Issue the following commands as root in a Terminal window:
localhost# cd /[HFS Plus volume name]
localhost# df .
Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on
/dev/sd0_hfs_a 11490160 3107464 8382696 27% /[HFS Plus volume name]
localhost# mkdir .NextTrash
localhost# chown root:wheel .NextTrash
localhost# chmod 1777 .NextTrash
localhost# ls -ldg .NextTrash
drwxrwxrwt 1 root wheel 528 Jul 6 15:11 .NextTrash/
After completing these steps, you'll need to reboot the system for the new recycler to be properly recognized.
Note: The error message will still appear the first time a user drags and item to the trash from an HFS Plus volume, but after that the message will no longer appear.