ImageWriter II: Makes Buzzing Noise And Left Margin Changes

During printing, the ImageWriter II carriage assembly may intermittently halt its movement and the carriage motor momentarily makes a high pitched buzzing noise. If the printer does resume its printing then the left margin will have changed and the carriage assembly will probably have moved to the right, forcing the carriage to slam into the right side of the frame.

To identify the problem, turn the power off on the printer and remove the top cover. Slowly move the carriage assembly back and forth across the full length of the carriage and watch the metal paper deflector for any slight movement of 1/16th of an inch or less. If movement is present, it indicates that the paper guide is rubbing on the paper deflector.
This problem occurs when the paper guide has been improperly adjusted, and the paper thickness lever is in its full forward position. It can also occur if the paper deflector (076-0008) is defective.

In order to correct this problem try reinstalling the paper guide according to the procedures in the ImageWriter II Technical Procedures. If the problem still occurs then it may be necessary to replace the paper deflector. After performing the adjustment verify that the paper deflector no longer moves when sliding the carriage back and forth.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012