System Software 6.0: Known Problems

This article documents known bugs in System 6.0 software.

Sound Manager bugs
1. SoundAndMod purge bug:
"In low memory situations, SndAddModifier can purge the 'snth' resource before
it is locked." This is the same problem as with SndPlay.

2. MIDI-In debug problem:
"When initializing a channel with the MIDI In synth. (7) the code drops into
the debugger." A call to the debugger was inadvertently left in the code for

3. MIDI amplitude scaling:
"Velocity values received from and sent to MIDI are scaled wrong." A scaling
factor of two is missing in the code. The code runs fine, but can send some
funny values for velocity.

4. MIDI timing to SCC on a Macintosh Plus:
"The timing to the SCC on the Mac Plus is wrong." The Macintosh Plus and SE
need extra time after accessing the SCC. This is accomplished with extra
instructions in the code. The macro we use in the MIDI driver code doesn't
include enough of them (it has one but needs two).

5. SoundPlay purge bug:
"When memory is tight, SndPlay will purge the 'snd' resources as soon as it
gets it."

6. Simple Beep is garbled
"On some Macintosh Plus and SE systems the simple beep is distorted."

Copybits bug in VideoWorks
"Copybits from a bitmap to a pixmap while in 8 bit mode." VideoWorks HyperCard
driver is effected. The bug lies in QuickerGraf, and a 2 line fix was made.

Script Manager bug
1. "The Script Manager allocates too much space above the bufptr for some

2. "6.0 does not properly support IUDatePString and IUTimePString".

3. "KanjiTalk, which has not yet been built with 6.0, would not work with 6.0
because of a confusion in the definition of the area set aside for private and
public verbs."

Palette Manager Bugs
1. "Provide support for devices that have no Color Look-Up Tables, that is,
for boards like the E-Machine's board which only supports a fixed set of
colors." This bug causes crashes in Adobe Illustrator and Color MORE when they
de-reference NIL handles that would not be NIL in if a CLUT device was being

2. "The Palette Manager was calling Front Window at inappropriate times when
the Window list should not be referenced." This bug causes the system to crash
between applications that exercise the Palette Manager. Again, bad addresses
are being de-referenced.

3. "When a window is hidden and DisposePalette is called, the palette in the
hidden window was not disposed."

4. "The file system was being called during Disk Swap (SysErr)." This is a
situation when things can be moved in memory. The file system will randomly
crash when called."

5. "A colored menu bar was getting confused (and ugly)." This bug was caused
by the fact that only the Apple in the menu bar was being redrawn with the
Palette Manager. Now the whole menubar is redrawn. This is only a cosmetic
bug, but it is a very safe and minimal change.

6. "When applications used the Palette Manager under both Single and
MultiFinder, the Color Desktops would change to random colors. This looks
extremely ugly." Again, this is only a cosmetic bug, but a fix was made to
both the Palette Manager and MultiFinder to fix it.

MultiFinder Bugs
1. "If a volume is unmounted by an application other than the Finder (Disk
First Aid, for example) the desktop database could be lost. This would cause
the user to loose their Finder comments for that disk."

2. "The check for drivers in Background Apps is incorrect. This can cause
slow response time on occasion, and conceivably cause crashes (though we have
no specific cases reported)."

TextEdit Bug
"A de-referenced handle was maintained across a call that moved things in the
heap. This could cause crashes."

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012