Mac OS 9: World Book "No article updates are available" Error

This article discusses a possible issue and solution when using the World Book encyclopedia CD-ROM with Multiple Users in the Limited and Panels environment.

When providing access to Limited or Panel users for the World Book application, included with some iMac configurations, some users may erroneously encounter the error: "No article updates are available" upon launch.


To prevent this error, place a valid copy of the "WB preferences" file in the Preferences Folder of each of the Limited or Panels users.

Follow these steps to create and copy a valid WB Preferences file to each user:

Repeat this procedure for each user you have given access to the World Book application. You should now be able to log in as another user and launch the application without the "update" error message.

For more information on configuring multiple users, consult Mac Help under the Help Menu.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012