Macintosh: Avoiding Font ID Conflicts

Some of the fonts in my System are not showing up. After investigating, I found that some of the fonts have the same ID numbers. How do I prevent this?
If you find that two fonts with the same ID have been installed in the same system software, it is most likely the method of installation that is at fault.

System 6 and Before
When running System 6.0.x or earlier, always use the Font/DA Mover to copy fonts into the System file. This method will automatically resolve any font ID conflicts that exist. The Font/DA Mover is the only program that should be used to copy a font to or from any file under System 6.0.x or earlier. This ensures that all the necessary resources are copied with the font. The same applies for desk accessories.

System 7
This problem is rare in System 7. The proper way to install fonts in the System file is to drag them directly to the System Folder:

* With System 7.0.x, the fonts will be moved into the System file itself.

* With System 7.1 or later, when you drag fonts to the System Folder icon, they will be moved into a Fonts folder within the System Folder.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012