AppleShare IP 6.2/6.3: How to Prevent Saving to the Home Directory Share Point

This article discusses how to configure AppleShare IP 6.2/6.3 to prevent users from saving to the root level of the Home Directory share point.
AppleShare IP Help says to set the User/Group section to Read/Write access to set up the Home Directories feature. This will work, but users will be able to save in the root Home Directories share point.

To prevent users from being able to save in the root level of this share point, set the User/Group section to Read only access for this folder only. This will allow proper login to the Home Directory without allowing users to be able to write data to the root folder.

Note: You should not copy all enclosing privileges from this share point, as this will reassign permissions to your users' home folders.

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012