MacWorkStation/MacAPPC Won‘t Work with an IBM Application System

A customer is running IBM's Application System on an IBM 9370 and wants to
redistribute some of the processing to the Macintosh. Can MacAPPC and/or
MacWorkStation work with IBM's Application System?

Not yet.

Currently, the IBM Application System is a 3270-based, decision-support tool,
running under the MVS and VM operating systems. It is IBM's high-level
decision-support software product for business planning, statistical
analysis, and project management. It has extensions that allow direct
access via DB2 and SQL databases and other IBM products, like Query Management
Facility (QMF) and Data Extract (DXT). It currently does not take advantage of
intelligent desktop devices.

IBM says that, "The direction of future development of the Application System
product line is to provide support consistent with the need to use workstations
that may have local intelligence." This translates to, "It doesn't do it now,
but it will someday."

As IBM's stated communications direction is SAA, many believe this product will
eventually support LU6.2, IBM's flagship peer-to-peer protocol. Likewise,
there is a strong possibility that it will support 3270 API implementations.
Our information is that Application System supports neither of these
implementations at the present time.

The Apple LU6.2 product has proven its interoperability with IBM LU6.2 via
IBM's interoperability testing facility in Raleigh, N.C. Therefore, MacAPPC
should work with this product when it supports LU6.2 protocol suites.

Presently, MacWorkStation, too, would be difficult to implement in this

Published Date: Feb 18, 2012