Step 1 - Connection
Connect a 25-pin Serial cable to the 25-pin serial port on the LaserWriter IINT. Connect the other end to a serial port on the PC.
Note: Most serial ports for PCs use a male DB-25 connector. The LaserWriter IINT 25-pin serial port uses a female DB-25 connector. You need to use a null modem (transmit pin goes to receive pin) female-to-male DB-25 cable.
Step 2 - Switch Settings
While the LaserWriter IINT is off, set the printers DIP switch settings to:
1 UP
These switch settings place the LaserWriter IINT in:
PostScript Batch Mode,
RS-232 9600 Baud,
RS-422 9600 Baud,
8 data bits , No parity check, 1 stop bit, with XON/XOFF handshake.
Step 3 - Power On
Turn on the LaserWriter IINTX and the PC. After a few seconds, the LaserWriter II will print a test page containing its current settings (as listed above).
Step 4 - PostScript Code
The PostScript code that follows is used to switch the LaserWriter II into 8 data bit PostScript batch mode.
Caution: If you choose to use the PostScript code provided in this article, you assume all risks involved in making these changes. PostScript code, if not entered correctly, can place the LaserWriter into a condition requiring service.
Note: The "%" characters and following comments are not necessary. You can remove them when typing in the program.
For DTR/DSR, from the DOS prompt type:
% Begin PostScript Code
serverdict begin 0 exitserver %This exits the printer server loop
statusdict begin %Start modifying settings
25 9600 68 setsccbatch %set the 25 pin RS-232 9600 Baud port-8 data bits
end %This is the end of the mode switch routine
(control z) %The keyboard control key and the z key together
% This ends text editing and saves the file.
% End PostScript Code
For XON/XOFF, from the DOS prompt type:
% Begin PostScript Code
serverdict begin 0 exitserver %This exits the printer server loop
statusdict begin %Start modifying settings
25 9600 64 setsccbatch %set the 25 pin RS-232 9600 Baud port-8 data bits
end %This is the end of the mode switch routine
(control z) %The keyboard control key and the z key together
% This ends text editing and saves the file.
% End PostScript Code
Step 5 - Batch File
A batch file needs to be created to set up the PCs communications port and to send the PostScript code to the printer. From the DOS prompt, type:
MODE COM1:96,N,8,1,P
(control z)
Step 6 - Change to 8 data bit PostScript batch mode
Type POST from the DOS prompt to set the NT to 8 data bit PostScript batch mode. The printer will switch from the 7 data bit PostScript batch mode to 8 data bit PostScript batch mode.
Step 7 - PostScript Code for testing the mode change
The PostScript code that follows tests the mode change. From the DOS prompt, type:
% Begin PostScript Code
/Helvetica findfont 14 scalefont setfont
30 500 moveto
(The Options number for the 25-pin port is ) show
statusdict begin 25 sccbatch 10 string cvs show
pop showpage
(control z)
% End PostScript Code
Step 8 - Test mode change
To test the mode change, type the following from the DOS prompt:
After a few seconds, the LaserWriter II should print a page containing the following text:
'The Options number for the 25-pin port is xx'
('xx' equals the third number in the third line of the PostScipt code created in step 4 (either 68 or 64).
Problem Solving
LaserWriter IINT does not print after test PostScript code is sent:
- Check cable connections and paper supply to the LaserWriter IINT. Turn off any spooler commands that may be implemented on the PC.
- Check the PostScript files (POST.TXT) and (TEST.TXT) along with the (POST.BAT) batch file for any typing errors. If none are apparent, try re-typing the code of both PostScript files from scratch. If you have the ability to copy and paste the PostScript directly from this article, you should do this.
If the LaserWriter IINT does not receive the PostScript code character for character, the mode change or test will not work. Once the code has been re-typed, send it to the LaserWriter II. If the LaserWriter II prints the page, then all is well. If the LaserWriter II does nothing, then start over from step #1.
LaserWriter IINT will not print from within an application:
- Check the applications print settings to ensure that it is sending output to LPT1 or COM1. The application must support PostScript, and must be set to output to a PostScript device.
Note: The LaserWriter IINT does not support software switching between configurations, such as PostScript and Diablo, or LocalTalk and serial.