The following Pascal function allows you to format printed values as dollar
amounts. The function uses the APPLESTUFF unit. GET_DOLLARS takes three
integer parameters and returns a real value for possible future calculations:
The whole dollar amount is restricted to "LIMIT" number of characters (4
whole numbers). Three additional characters are allowed for the decimal and
cents. Character space not used by LIMIT may be used by cents; however, all
entries are rounded to the closest whole cent. The resulting number is
printed, right justified, on the screen on top of the input characters.
writeln ('Enter value:');
Value:= GET_DOLLARS (20, 10, 4)
"Enter value:" is printed on the screen as normal, while the input cursor is
positioned at screen location 20,10. Some possible input and corresponding
outputs are:
Inputs Outputs
9999 9999.00
9.99999 10.00
.999 1.00
.99 .99
1234.56 1234.56
123.456 123.46
function GET_DOLLARS (HPos, VPos, Limit: integer): real;
var RealStr, Space: string;
Count : integer;
Value : real;
procedure GET_REAL_STR (Limit: integer; var InStr: string);
var Entry : string;
Decimal, Back_Space, Return, ch: char;
Count : integer;
Real_Keys, GoodOnes : set of char;
GotIt : boolean;
function KEY_IN: char;
var ch: char;
ch:= ' '; {Initialize variable}
repeat until KEYPRESS;
UNITREAD (2, ch, 1,, 12);
KEY_IN:= ch
end; {Key_In}
InStr:= ''; {Beginning default}
Count:= 0; {Beginning default}
Entry:= ' '; {Initialize as one character}
Decimal:= '.';
Back_Space:= chr(8);
Return:= chr(13);
Real_Keys:= [Decimal, '0'..'9']; {Valid characters}
{in real numbers}
GoodOnes:= Real_Keys + [Back_Space, Return]; {Valid}
GotIt:= false; {Beginning default};
repeat ch:= KEY_IN until (ch in GoodOnes);
if (ch = Decimal) then begin
GoodOnes:= GoodOnes - [Decimal]; {Can't use but one}
Limit:= Limit + 3 {OK to get cents now}
if (ch in Real_Keys) and (Count < Limit) then begin
Entry [1]:= ch; {Convert char to string}
InStr:= concat (InStr, Entry);
Count:= Count + 1;
write (ch)
if (ch = Back_Space) and (Count > 0) then begin
write (Back_Space, ' ', Back_Space);
ch:= InStr [Count]; {See what last character is}
if (ch = Decimal) then begin
GoodOnes:= GoodOnes + [Decimal]; {Can use decimal}
Limit:= Limit - 3
if (Count = 1) then InStr:= '';
if (Count > 1) then delete (InStr, Count, 1);
Count:= Count - 1
if (ch = Return) then GotIt:= true
until GotIt
end; {Get_Real_Str}
procedure DOLLAR_FORMAT (var Sample: string);