You have a few options for using your existing StyleWriter with iMac or other USB capable Macintosh such as iBook or the Power Mac G4.
Options:- If you are on a network, and you have a StyleWriter printer directly connected to a Macintosh computer on that network, you can enable ColorShare or GrayShare on that Macintosh. ColorShare or GreyShare allows the StyleWriter to become a shared printer; one you can print to from other computers on the network. The drivers you need come pre-installed on iMac and are available in the Chooser. (Please note: this option can be used with some, but not all StyleWriter printers.)
- Farallon makes the EtherMac iPrint SL adapter, for use with the StyleWriter I, II, 1200, 1500, 2200, 2400, and 2500. Connect the cable that shipped with the printer to the adapter and the adapter to iMac's Ethernet port using the cable provided. For more information visit Farallon's site at
- InfoWave has several products for printing to PC and Macintosh printers through hardware adapter cables and specific print drivers. Refer to their Web page at for more information on their imaging solutions.
For further information on connecting your iMac computer to older Macintosh computers or printers:
visit the following: