Apple IIGS: The Differences Between Spanish And USA Characters

The differences between the Apple IIGS's USA character set and its Spanish
character set are listed below. The USA characters are found on the key caps.
The Spanish character is displayed when Spanish is selected from the Control
Panel. All other keys generate the characters displayed on the key caps.

USA Spanish
--- -------
[ upside down exclamation mark
] upside down question mark
\\ lower-case "n" with tilde above
| upper-case "N" with tilde above
{ degree symbol
} lower-case "c" with cedilla
# British pound (currency) symbol
@ section symbol

The standard "?" was generated using the shifted backslash in both USA and
Spanish character sets. We were unable to locate the right accent mark in
either character set.

(Unfortunately, the current version of AppleLink is unable to reproduce these
special characters graphically, which is why we can't just show you the
characters in this article.)

Published Date: Feb 20, 2012