SYMPTOM: Multiple pieces of paper are being fed into the printer, eventually
causing a paper jam to occur.
CURE: The paper feed roller assembly and/or the transfer guide assembly may be
Replace the paper feed roller assembly (971-0017) first, if this does not solve
the problem replace the transfer guide assembly (971-0019). Replacing the
parts rather than fixing them is the best way to do it. Remember that a
defective motor (971-0014) or gears could also exaggerate the problem.
The paper feed roller assembly (971-0017) is feeding the page to the transfer
guide assembly (971-0019) and then paper feed roller should stop. The transfer
guide assejmbly should align the page and then feed trough. At the time when
the transfer guide assembly is feeding the page the paper feed roller should
return to home position. If the paper feed roller is defective (roller itself
or clutch are bad) the timing will be off and the paper feed roller will
attempt feeding second page. When the transfer guide assembly is slippery or
defective it will cause a slight delay in the paper transfer causing paper jam.