Product Name Manufacturer
PictureBase Symmetry
PageMaker, 2.0 Aldus
Fourth Dimension ACI US, Inc.
MacWrite Claris
MS Word, 3.01 Microsoft
MS Works, 1.1 Microsoft
PowerPoint, 1.0 Microsoft
Insight, 2.0 Layered
Intermail, 1.41 & 42 Microsoft
Inbox Think
MS Excel, 1.04 Microsoft
RSG4! LetraSet
FileMaker Plus Nashoba Systems West
Omnis III Plus Blythe
MacProject Claris
Great Plains MU Acct. Great Plains
MacinUse 2.04 SoftView
Eureka Borland
SuperPaint Silicon Beach (now Aldus Consumer Div.)
For those of you interested in how to create an AppleShare-Aware
application, you may refer to the following resources:
1) Inside Macintosh Volume 5
Available through the Apple Programmers and Developers Association
(AppleLink: APDA) or in technical bookstores. This book is published by
Addison Wesley.
2) Applications Development in a Shared Environment
Available through APDA