Mac OS 8.1: Energy Saver & Shut Down Time Discrepancy

This article explains why a computer's shutdown time may differ from the time set with the Energy Saver control panel.
Energy Saver requires the scheduled shutdown time to be at least 15 minutes away from the current time setting of the computer. This 15 minute minimum cool down time is by design. Although this information in not documented in the current Energy Saver Guide Additions help, it is included in subsequent versions.

Note: This discrepancy is not apparent if the scheduled shutdown time is greater than 15 minutes from the time the setting is made.

If you have a PowerBook and you want to set a time for it to sleep and then wake, the computer may not go into sleep mode. As described above, the time set for sleep was not set far enough ahead. On a PowerBook, the sleep time must be set a full minute from the time the setting is made.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012