If you are using GS/OS version 4.0, you must have the latest versions of the ProFile and SCSI Interface Cards as well. Recent testing results show that GS/OS version 4.0 is compatible with revision C of the SCSI and ProFile cards.
You can determine if you have the required version of these cards by the ROM part number that is installed in the card.
SCSI Interface Card
ROM part number 341-0437 rev. A is the latest ROM for the SCSI Interface Card. When this ROM is installed, it brings the revision of the card up to rev. C. This configuration is compatible with version 4.0 of GS/OS.
ProFile Interface Card
ROM part number 341-0299 rev. B is the latest ROM for the ProFile Interface Card. When this ROM is installed, it brings the revision of the card up to rev. C. This configuration is compatible with version 4.0 of GS/OS.
As of the date of this article, all service ROM inventory is the latest version, and all ProFile and SCSI Interface Cards shipped by service are the rev. C configuration, which is compatible with all Apple II computers.
Apple IIGS
The Apple IIGS requires ROM version 01 to run GS/OS 4.0. To determine if you have the correct version boot the Apple IIGS, at the bottom of the screen should be displayed a copyright line and "ROM Version 01". Contact your dealer for the free upgrade.