A story is a collection of markers that play in a particular order. Unlike a standalone marker, a marker in a story plays only until the next marker in that track is reached (even if the next marker is not used in the story).
Before you can create a story, you need to create the markers you want to use in it. Then click the track's story icon to open the Stories Folder and follow the steps below.
Choose New Story from the Item menu and name the story in the Property Inspector.
In the Project View, click the Tracks tab.
Click the triangle next to the track you are working with to expand it. Then double-click the Markers folder to open the Markers container.
Drag the markers you want to use to the story in the Stories Folder. You can change the order of the markers and use a marker more than once in a story.
Only drag the markers that mark the beginning of the clip you want. Your story will include video that starts at the beginning of each of those markers. Where the clips end depends on the other markers you have set in the track.
Stories appear in action menus along with tracks, markers, menus, buttons, and slideshows.
(This document contains information from Help Center, the help system included with your computer.)