Apple IIGS: Remote Access To AppleShare via InterBridge

If you have more than one Apple IIGS on a Macintosh server using AppleShare, and you want dial-in service from a remote Apple IIGS, one solution is to use an InterBridge, manufactured by Hayes Microcomputer.
The InterBridge allows two networks, each equipped with an InterBridge and a Hayes Smartmodem, to access each other through either dial-up or leased telephone lines.

Initially, a Macintosh needs to be connected to the remote network to configure the remote InterBridge with the Hayes set-up/admin software, but the Macintosh can be removed when the configuration is complete.

The Tech Info Library article#17159: "Locating Vendor Information", can help you search for a particular vendor's address and phone number.
Published Date: Feb 18, 2012